lundi 12 décembre 2011

Lettre au père Noel

Un de mes coéquipiers a écrit une lettre au Père Noel que je trouve touchante. On peut recevoir tous les cadeaux du monde cependant la santé et l’amour n’ont pas de prix. J’ai voulu partager sa lettre avec vous. J’aimerais vous préciser que la lettre est en anglais.

Dear Père Noël aka Santa & all those who fell upon this note,

Its that time of year again when I am sure you are getting tons of emails from all those well and not so well deserving kids. By the way, do you still get letters from kids?
This is my third installment of letters to you & every yr, even though I feel I don't really deserve anything, I always get the things I ask for. Last year I asked for health for myself, positive vibes for my friends and family and last but not least, helping the kids I coach. Not only did you bring me all those, but the kids I coached won the whole league last year, I am so proud of them.
 So for this yr, why should any of my gift ideas change.

Gift #1
Please help me in reaching these kids. I want them to reach their personal and team goals. Show them that I am only trying to help them become better people as well as all around basketball players.

Continued health would be amazing as it is marking 5 years that I have been in remission. which is amazing considering this also marks 10 yrs of me having my disease. Being able to stay healthy has made a huge difference in my life, not having to worry about what things will be like next week or even the next day, not to mention my promotion at work would never of happened if I wasn't able to show up and show them what kinda worker I can be.

Gift #3
Keeping all those close to me, full of positive energy. There is way too much negative in this world and with this past year being full of a lot of ups & downs, I hope that many more ups are to come & for all the downs, the strength to fight through them.

That's basically it,maybe lose some weight and hope my injuries heal completely, but I guess that falls into the health part. I love my life as a coach and being able to give back all I have learned is a gift to me every time I reach one of those kids. 5 years of being is love is the best gift I have gotten every year.

So Recap:
#1 Help me help my kids
#2 Continued health
#3 Positive energy and smiles for the ones around me

Thanks for listening Santa and thanks for keeping me on your NICE list.



P.S. To all my friends who got married or are going to and all those who have had a baby or are expecting, I wish you nothing but the best in the future to come.
Kenny est un chic type, si jamais vous voulez l'ajouter dans votre facebook, voici son adresse: Il écrit aussi de très beau poème.

3 commentaires:

  1. Tres touchant. J'aime qu'Il pense bcp au bienetre des gens qu'il apprecie autour de lui plutot que simplement a lui-meme. Il delaisse le materiel et mentionne des choses Que l'on pourrait prendre pour acquis. C'est faire preuve d'humilite et d'amour. Choses que bcp de gens ont tendance a oublier de nos jrs.

  2. Glad my letter to "Santa" touched you and others who have read it. I appreciate you taking the time to not only read it, but to share it also. Positive vibes is what I surround myself with & big surprise you are not only one of my teammates, but friends also.

    Happy Holidays

  3. Thank you Reflekt. Im really happy to know such a great man
